A personal card that stands out!
You just need some paper - preferably in different colours, scissors, glue, imagination...
Start by folding two papers in half, cut a little around three of the edges of one paper (e.g. approx. 0.5-1 cm) Note: do not cut on the folded side. ;-) Draw what will be the pop-up parts, two or three pieces are enough. Cut along the marking and fold back and forth a couple of times. Glue the papers together but make sure the pop-up parts are folded inward so you don't glue them too.
You can also choose not to cut out the pop-up parts right away but instead glue them in afterwards, this gives you a bit more leeway in how far from the fold you want the objects and even if it is a slightly taller object. See the example below
Here you have a thousand different variations to choose from in how you want to design your card and you just have to use your imagination.. draw your own pictures, or like here.. cut out of coloring books and color, there are no limits! The cards can be used as greeting cards, invitations, thank you cards or whatever you want.