Super simple table decoration that you can vary with different color combinations and shapes endlessly. You just need some paper – preferably in different colours, scissors, glue, tea lights and a few wine glasses on stand.
Draw the shape of the flower you want, I use two pieces for this flower, one bigger and one a little smaller, then I just cut out round pieces for the middle. It doesn't matter if the shape of the flowers is slightly different... it just makes it more personal. If you still feel that you'd rather skip drawing yourself, I've made a little template, you can get it HERE, just print and cut as many copies as you want. It's convenient if you draw the template on a slightly harder piece of cardboard, a small piece of an empty cereal packet will be perfect. Draw both the small and large flowers on a sheet, it takes a large and a small part for each flower and I have put two flowers per glass.
When they are all cut to size, I glue them together with a regular glue stick and bend the "petals" a little, then I glue the plutin in the middle. It doesn't necessarily have to be yellow, here for a party with an Italian theme, it had to be pizzas in the middle instead.
I cut the leaves for the flowers freehand, just put two green papers in different shades and cut freely. Then I glue them together and also bend the leaves a little.
The assembly then is very easy and I use regular double-sided tape, nothing that is difficult to clean from the glasses afterwards. Turn the glasses upside down and tape the flowers, stick the leaves a little under the flowers so that there is a nice symmetry and that you don't see any tape. Place a tea light on top and you're set.
Reuse: Tip: Save the paper flowers when you don't want the decoration anymore and reuse them! Perfect to e.g. spice up a wrapped package with.
Boxes with paper flowers
Paper flower
To fold the paper box, read HERE